NHS Standard Contract 2023/24
Particulars (Shorter Form)
Version 1, March 2023
Contract title / ref:
North Yorkshire Hospice Care
(Saint Michael's Hospice)
Ref: C206158
Prepared by: NHS Standard Contract Team, NHS England
(please do not send contracts to this email
Contract Reference
C206158 |
1 April 2023 |
1 April 2023 |
12 months commencing 1 April 2023
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB (ODS 42D)
CO-ORDINATING Commissioner
See GC10
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire ICB (ODS Q0Q)
Health House, Grange Park Lane, Willerby, Hull. HU10 6DT
North Yorkshire Hospice Care
Principal and/or registered office address: Crimple House Hornbeam Park Avenue Harrogate HG2 8NA
Company number: 2121179 Registered Charity: 518905 |
C. Extension of Contract Term
SCHEDULE 2 – THE SERVICES(Schedule 2C, 2E, 2F, 2H, 2I Intentionally Omitted)
Ai. Service Specifications – Enhanced Health in Care Homes
D. Essential Services (NHS Trusts only)
G. Other Local Agreements, Policies and Procedures
J. Transfer of and Discharge from Care Protocols
K. Safeguarding Policies and Mental Capacity Act Policies
SCHEDULE 3 – PAYMENT (Schedule 3A Intentionally Omitted)
B. Locally Agreed Adjustments to NHS Payment Scheme Unit Prices
C. Local Prices
D. Expected Annual Contract Values
E. Provider Data Processing Agreement
(Service Conditions 7, 9, 14, 19-20, 22, 26-27, 31 intentionally omitted)
SC1 Compliance with the Law and the NHS Constitution
SC2 Regulatory Requirements
SC3 Service Standards
SC4 Co-operation
SC5 Commissioner Requested Services/Essential Services
SC6 Choice and Referrals
SC8 Making Every Contact Count and Self Care
SC10 Personalised Care
SC11 Transfer of and Discharge from Care
SC12 Communicating With and Involving Service Users, Public and Staff
SC13 Equity of Access, Equality and Non-Discrimination
SC15 Urgent Access to Mental Health Care
SC16 Complaints
SC17 Services Environment and Equipment
SC18 Green NHS
SC21 Infection Prevention and Control
SC23 Service User Health Records
SC24 NHS Counter-Fraud Requirements
SC25 Other Local Agreements, Policies and Procedures
SC28 Information Requirements
SC29 Managing Activity and Referrals
SC30 Emergency Preparedness, Resilience and Response
SC32 Safeguarding Children and Adults
SC33 Patient Safety
SC34 End of Life Care
SC35 Duty of Candour
SC36 Payment Terms
SC37 Local Quality Requirements
ANNEX A National Quality Requirements
(General Conditions 6-7, 34-35 intentionally omitted)
GC1 Definitions and Interpretation
GC2 Effective Date and Duration
GC3 Service Commencement
GC4 Transition Period
GC5 Staff
GC8 Review
GC9 Contract Management
GC10 Co-ordinating Commissioner and Representatives
GC11 Liability and Indemnity
GC12 Assignment and Sub-Contracting
GC13 Variations
GC14 Dispute Resolution
GC15 Governance, Transaction Records and Audit
GC16 Suspension
GC17 Termination
GC18 Consequence of Expiry or Termination
GC19 Provisions Surviving Termination
GC20 Confidential Information of the Parties
GC21 Patient Confidentiality, Data Protection, Freedom of Information and Transparency
GC22 Intellectual Property
GC23 NHS Identity, Marketing and Promotion
GC24 Change in Control
GC25 Warranties
GC26 Prohibited Acts
GC27 Conflicts of Interest and Transparency on Gifts and Hospitality
GC28 Force Majeure
GC29 Third Party Rights
GC30 Entire Contract
GC31 Severability
GC32 Waiver
GC33 Remedies
GC36 Notices
GC37 Costs and Expenses
GC38 Counterparts
GC39 Governing Law and Jurisdiction
Definitions and Interpretation
Contract title:North Yorkshire Hospice Care (Saint Michael's Hospice)
Contract ref: C206158
This Contract records the agreement between the Commissioners and the Provider and comprises
1. these Particulars, as completed and agreed by the Parties and as varied from time to time in accordance with GC13 (Variations);
2. the Service Conditions (Shorter Form), as published by NHS England from time to time at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhs-standard-contract/;
3. the General Conditions (Shorter Form), as published by NHS England from time to time at: https://www.england.nhs.uk/nhs-standard-contract/.
Each Party acknowledges and agrees
(i) that it accepts and will be bound by the Service Conditions and General Conditions as published by NHS England at the date of this Contract, and
(ii) that it will accept and will be bound by the Service Conditions and General Conditions as from time to time updated, amended or replaced and published by, NHS England pursuant to its powers under regulation 17 of the National Health Service Commissioning Board and Clinical Commissioning Groups (Responsibilities and Standing Rules) Regulations 2012, with effect from the date of such publication.
IN WITNESS OF WHICH the Parties have signed this Contract on the date(s) shown below
Signed by
Mark Bradley Director of Finance, North Yorkshire and York |
for and on behalf of
NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) (sig) |
Signed by
Tony Collins Chief Executive |
for and on behalf of
North Yorkshire Hospice Care (sig) |
Effective Date
See GC2.1
1 April 2023 |
Expected Service Commencement Date
See GC3.1
1 April 2023 |
Longstop Date
See GC4.1
30 September 2023 |
Contract Term |
12 months commencing 1 April 2023
Commissioner option to extend Contract Term
See Schedule 1C, which applies only if YES is indicated here
NO |
Notice Period (for termination under GC17.2)
3 months |
Service Categories |
Indicate all categories of service which the Provider is commissioned to provide under this Contract. Note that certain provisions of the Service Conditions and Annex A to the Service Conditions apply in respect of some service categories but not others. |
Continuing Healthcare Services (including continuing care for children) (CHC) |
No |
Community Services (CS) |
Yes |
Diagnostic, Screening and/or Pathology Services (D) |
No |
End of Life Care Services (ELC) |
Yes |
Mental Health and Learning Disability Services (MH) |
No |
Patient Transport Services (non-emergency) (PT) |
No |
Provider’s Nominated Individual |
Tony Collins Email: tcollins@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 878184 (Ext: 1230) |
Provider’s Information Governance Lead |
Katie Freear Email: kfreear@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 876478 |
Provider’s Data Protection Officer (if required by Data Protection Legislation) |
Emily Dobson Email: edobson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 876476 (Ext: 1103) |
Provider’s Caldicott Guardian |
Megan Itson Email: mitson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 878183 (Ext: 2090)
Deputy: Dr Jenny Smith Email: jennysmith@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 876089 (Ext: 1234) |
Provider’s Senior Information Risk Owner |
Emily Dobson Email: edobson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 876476 (Ext: 1103) |
Provider’s Accountable Emergency Officer |
Emily Dobson Email: edobson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 876476 (Ext: 1103) |
Provider’s Safeguarding Lead (children) / named professional for safeguarding children |
Megan Itson Email: mitson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 878183 (Ext: 2090) |
Provider’s Safeguarding Lead (adults) / named professional for safeguarding adults |
Megan Itson Email: mitson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 878183 (Ext: 2090) |
Provider’s Child Sexual Abuse and Exploitation Lead |
Jenna Collins Email: jcollins@justb.org.uk Tel: 07580 279857 |
Provider’s Mental Capacity and Liberty Protection Safeguards Lead |
Dr Jenny Smith Email: jennysmith@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 876089 (Ext: 1234) |
Provider’s Freedom To Speak Up Guardian(s) |
Megan Itson Email: mitson@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 878183 (Ext: 2090) |
Addresses for service of Notices
See GC36 |
Co-ordinating Commissioner: NHS Humber and North Yorkshire Integrated Care Board (ICB)
Name: Mark Bradley, Place Based Finance Director (North Yorkshire and York) Address: Health House, Grange Park Lane, Willerby, Hull. HU10 6DT Email: mark.bradley7@nhs.net
Provider: North Yorkshire Hospice Care Address: Crimple House, Hornbeam Park Avenue, Harrogate, HG2 8NA Email: tcollins@saintmichaelshospice.org |
Commissioner Representative(s) See GC10.2 |
Rachael Nice Address: York Health and Care Partnership, West Offices, Station Rise, York, YO1 6GA Email: rachael.nice@nhs.net Tel: 07702 657459
Provider Representative
See GC10.2 |
Tony Collins Address: Crimple House Hornbeam Park Avenue Harrogate HG2 8NA Email: tcollins@saintmichaelshospice.org Tel: 01423 878184 |
The Provider must provide the Co-ordinating Commissioner with the following documents and complete the following actions:
1. Evidence of appropriate Indemnity Arrangements
2. Evidence of CQC registration (where required)
C. Extension of Contract Term
Lymphoedema |
FastTrack |
[Under review – Contract Variation to be actioned in-year to replace]
Ai. Service Specifications – Enhanced Health in Care Homes
B. Indicative Activity Plan
Based on an operational capacity of 28.5 hours per day and will be monitored / reviewed on a quarterly basis. The service will aim to deliver a 70:30 split between care and travel time which will be monitored monthly.
D. Essential Services (NHS Trusts only)
G. Other Local Agreements, Policies and Procedures
Business Continuity Plan
J. Transfer of and Discharge from Care Protocols
K. Safeguarding Policies and Mental Capacity Act Policies
NHS HNY ICB Safeguarding Adults Policy |
NHS HNY ICB Safeguarding Children Policy |
Provider Policies
Safeguarding & Safety Policy |
Safeguarding Policy - Children |
B. Locally Agreed Adjustments to NHS Payment Scheme Unit Prices
Not Applicable |
C. Local Prices
Fast Track Services £22.47 per hour for care provided and travel to, from and in between care provision. This excludes up to the first twenty minutes* of each run** and up to the last twenty minutes* of each run**
All mileage is charged at 45p per mile.
* If the journey to the first appointment is less than 20 minutes, we would not charge anything for that journey. If the first journey is more than 20 minutes, we would charge the time over and above 20 minutes. The same principle would apply for the final journey of the run.
**A run is defined as a set of visits given to an HCA in a day. This is designed to maximise effectiveness of time use and minimise travel costs.
D. Expected Annual Contract Values
Activity Based/Cost per Case Contract.
Activity will be delivered in accordance with the local prices provided in Schedule 3C.
Chargeable activity for 2023/24 should not exceed: Lymphoedema - £74,097 Fast Track - £285,821 Pharmacy is paid on a pass-through basis (indicative annual value £94,473 and reconciled quarterly).
Payment of Invoices Invoicing will be on a quarterly basis.
Reference numbers for invoice: North Yorkshire 'Place' – XXZIQMNY
Quality Requirement
Threshold |
Method of Measurement |
Applicable Service Specification |
All patients to have a care plan |
100% |
Quarterly Performance Report |
Patient numbers to be collected at HaRD GP practice level.
100% |
Quarterly Performance Report |
Urgent patients to be seen within 2 weeks of referral |
100% |
Quarterly Performance Report |
Non urgent patients to be seen within 8 - 12 weeks of receipt of referral.
95% |
Quarterly Performance Report |
Provider to be able to deliver up to 28.5 hours per day
80% |
Quarterly Performance Report |
The service will aim to deliver a 70:30 split between care and travel time. |
Care time >70% |
Monthly Report |
Reporting Period
Format of Report |
Timing and Method for delivery of Report |
National Requirements Reported Centrally |
1. As specified in the Schedule of Approved Collections published at: https://digital.nhs.uk/isce/publication/nhs-standard-contract-approved-collections where mandated for and as applicable to the Provider and the Services |
As set out in relevant Guidance |
As set out in relevant Guidance |
As set out in relevant Guidance |
National Requirements Reported Locally
1. Activity and Finance Report (note that, if appropriately designed, this report may also serve as the reconciliation account to be sent by the Provider under SC36.11)
· Number of patients rejected: o Reason (capacity / patient choice) o Provider of care
· Number of patients accepted: o Secured within gold time frame (2hrs) o Secured within silver time frame 6hrs) · Number of care hours and cost per patient · Number of travel hours and cost per visit · Mileage and cost per visit · Total number of visits · Number of packages ended
Monthly |
Monthly Report
Format to be agreed with Commissioner |
All reports to be sent via email to: hnyicb-voy.contracting@nhs.net
By 15th of the month |
2. Service Quality Performance Report, detailing performance against National Quality Requirements, Local Quality Requirements and the duty of candour
Quarterly |
Quarterly Report Example:
All reports to be sent via email to: hnyicb-voy.contracting@nhs.net
3. Complaints monitoring report, setting out numbers of complaints received and including analysis of key themes in content of complaints |
Quarterly |
Quarterly Report |
All reports to be sent via email to: hnyicb-voy.contracting@nhs.net
4. Summary report of all incidents requiring reporting |
Quarterly |
Quarterly Report |
All reports to be sent via email to: hnyicb-voy.contracting@nhs.net
Local Requirements Reported Locally
n/a |
The Provider must submit any patient-identifiable data required in relation to Local Requirements Reported Locally via the Data Landing Portal in accordance with the Data Landing Portal Acceptable Use Statement. [Otherwise, for local agreement] |
E. Provider Data Processing Agreement
Not Applicable
Not Applicable
1. The Provider must comply and must ensure that any Sub-Contractor will comply with their respective obligations under TUPE and COSOP in relation to any persons who transfer to the employment of the Provider or that Sub-Contractor by operation of TUPE and/or COSOP as a result of this Contract or any Sub-Contract, and that the Provider or the relevant Sub-Contractor (as appropriate) will ensure a smooth transfer of those persons to its employment. The Provider must indemnify and keep indemnified the Commissioners and any previous provider of services equivalent to the Services or any of them before the Service Commencement Date against any Losses in respect of:
1.1 any failure by the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor to comply with its obligations under TUPE and/or COSOP in connection with any relevant transfer under TUPE and/or COSOP;
1.2 any claim by any person that any proposed or actual substantial change by the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor to that person’s working conditions or any proposed measures on the part of the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor are to that person’s detriment, whether that claim arises before or after the date of any relevant transfer under TUPE and/or COSOP to the Provider and/or Sub-Contractor; and/or
1.3 any claim by any person in relation to any breach of contract arising from any proposed measures on the part of the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor, whether that claim arises before or after the date of any relevant transfer under TUPE and/or COSOP to the Provider and/or Sub-Contractor.
2. If the Co-ordinating Commissioner notifies the Provider that any Commissioner intends to conduct a process to select a provider of any Services, the Provider must within 20 Operational Days following written request (unless otherwise agreed in writing) provide the Co-ordinating Commissioner with anonymised details (as set out in Regulation 11(2) of TUPE but excluding the requirement to provide details of employee identity as set out in Regulation 11(2)(a)) of Staff engaged in the provision of the relevant Services who may be subject to TUPE. The Provider must indemnify and keep indemnified the relevant Commissioner and, at the Co-ordinating Commissioner’s request, any new provider who provides any services equivalent to the Services or any of them after expiry or termination of this Contract or termination of a Service, against any Losses in respect any inaccuracy in or omission from the information provided under this Schedule.
3. During the 3 months immediately preceding the expiry of this Contract or at any time following a notice of termination of this Contract or of any Service being given, the Provider must not and must procure that its Sub-Contractors do not, without the prior written consent of the Co-ordinating Commissioner (that consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed), in relation to any persons engaged in the provision of the Services or the relevant Service:
3.1 terminate or give notice to terminate the employment of any person engaged in the provision of the Services or the relevant Service (other than for gross misconduct);
3.2 increase or reduce the total number of people employed or engaged in the provision of the Services or the relevant Service by the Provider and any Sub-Contractor by more than 5% (except in the ordinary course of business);
3.3 propose, make or promise to make any material change to the remuneration or other terms and conditions of employment of the individuals engaged in the provision of the Services or the relevant Service;
3.4 replace or relocate any persons engaged in the provision of the Services or the relevant Service or reassign any of them to duties unconnected with the Services or the relevant Service; and/or
3.5 assign or redeploy to the Services or the relevant Service any person who was not previously a member of Staff engaged in the provision of the Services or the relevant Service.
4. On termination or expiry of this Contract or of any Service for any reason, the Provider must indemnify and keep indemnified the relevant Commissioners and any new provider who provides any services equivalent to the Services or any of them after that expiry or termination against any Losses in respect of:
4.1 the employment or termination of employment of any person employed or engaged in the delivery of the relevant Services by the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor before the expiry or termination of this Contract or of any Service which arise from the acts or omissions of the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor;
4.2 claims brought by any other person employed or engaged by the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor who is found to or is alleged to transfer to any Commissioner or new provider under TUPE and/or COSOP; and/or
4.3 any failure by the Provider and/or any Sub-Contractor to comply with its obligations under TUPE and/or COSOP in connection with any transfer to any Commissioner or new provider.
5. In this Schedule:
COSOP means the Cabinet Office Statement of Practice Staff Transfers in the Public Sector January 2000, available at https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/staff-transfers-in-the-public-sector
TUPE means the Transfer of Undertakings (Protection of Employment) Regulations 2006
*Note: it may in certain circumstances be appropriate to omit the text set out in paragraphs 1-5 above or to amend it to suit the circumstances - in particular, if the prospect of employees transferring either at the outset or on termination/expiry is extremely remote because their work in connection with the subject matter of the Contract will represent only a minor proportion of their workload. However, it is recommended that legal advice is taken before deleting or amending these provisions.
NHS England
Wellington House
133-155 Waterloo Road
Contact: england.contractshelp@nhs.net
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© NHS England March 2023 | PRN00258